Welcome to Thomas Voltaggio's Website

Medical Adventure - 2022-2023

On Memorial Day, 2022, the world turned upside down for me!  I was discovered with a BENIGN tumor in my head called meningioma between my skull and my brain.  I won't go into much detail, but in the summer of 2022, I was successfully operated on to remove the tumor (yes, in my head) and recovered. 

My family and friends were absolutely wonderful helping me get back to normal.  I'm most grateful to Lisa, who stayed with me for two months, the always present Judy who was a godsend, Laura, Tommy, Mary and Henry and a score of others.  Between August and October, I was pretty much back to normal, hence the delightful time at Tommy and Nina's wedding!

In October a small residual part of the tumor was discovered in a follow-up MRI and I went into a very modern and extremely accurate radiological treatment to take care of the tumor with almost zero effect on the brain around it. The process is called Stereotactic Radiotherapy, which consisted a 6 minute dose of radiation each weekday for 6 weeks! Why were the doses so short and repeated so frequently? Because the residual tumor area was very close to the left optic nerve and this was the only way to protect it.  The process was very easy to endure and resulted in no typical reaction one could get from a normal higher dose treatment. No nausea, no inability to eat well, no pain, and most important - no fatigue!  I completed the treatment in February 2023 and have had no physical or emotional effects. Here is a picture of me on the machine.


Tommy and Nina Wedding - 2022

On August 19, 2022,  Tommy and Nina "tied the knot" in Plantation, Florida. Being of Pakistani heritage, the ceremony had many aspects of the bride's fascinating culture as well as traditional American. Nina, whose actual name is Nimra, is a fabulous family member and all of us just love her. 

To see more, click the picture below or simply....
Click here for more wedding pictures

Covid - 2020 - Present

In March 2020, Covid came to the USA and the country and much of the world was pretty much shut down two days after Judy and I returned from Mexico City (see below).  It was quite a scary time and like many, we were concerned about getting it and infecting others.  Much time was spent at home, protecting our face and hands. Judy and I felt that since we were traveling together just before everything closed down, we were comfortable that we didn't have Covid to pass on to one another.  Both of us were quite diligent and we did not develop Covid early in the pandemic.  All of our friends and family were vaccinated. 
This is being written in November 2022 and many of our friends and family have developed Covid, but recovered well. Judy still has not developed Covid. Thank goodness for the good judgement of all the people I know. I made it until Memorial Day weekend 2022 and tested positive. The fascinating part is that I was totally asymptomatic!  

Foreign Trips - 2016 thru 2020

Mexico City - 2020

In March 2020, we made our third trip to Mexico. This time it was Mexico City! We went to the center of the city, called El Zocalo. In the massive square are the main Cathedral and the National Palace. Much of the trip consisted of the historical and cultural aspects, including Frida Kahlo's house where we ate in her patio converted to a delightful restaurant, the Hipodromo where there were delightful places to shop and eat. We then went to a fabulous pyramid complex on the outside of town called San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán. Mexico City was a true delight!




Ireland - 2019

In September-October 2019, Judy and I went to Ireland on a CIE Tour of the southern half of the island. From Dublin, we went down to the south coast through Kilkenny, Waterford, Cork and Kinsale, then up the west coast to Killarney, Limerick and out to the Dingle Peninsula. Then we visited the Cliffs of Moher, up to Galway and then east to return to Dublin. Dublin was an amazing historical city, where I was delighted to see the Book of Kells and the Guiness brewery.  All the Irish culture was delightful, including the people and pubs!



Lazio, Italia - 2019
In April-May 2019, Judy and I went to Lazio Province, just to the east of Rome. One of Judy's work colleagues lived in a delightful country house near Frascati and invited a number of fellow colleagues to come and spend a little over a week at Casale Sonnino . We went on a number of short drives to Castel Gondolfo, where the Pope vacations,  Ninfa, the great gardens at Tivoli, Frascati, Orvieto and a brief trip into Rome to see the Jewish Ghetto near the Tevere (Tiber) River.





                    Oaxaca, Mexico - 2019                                 

In March of 2019, Judy and I went to further south in Mexico to Oaxaca in the south of the country. This was a delightful trip for a small city below Mexico City and near the Guatamalan border. The language has many Indian words which are pronounced differently. The great food specialty is Mole' sauce. We visited the remains of Santa Cruz Xoxocotian, the visit to the largest tree in the world?? (Tule) and had a great night with most all of us dressed like witches and spirits.            



Merida & Playa del Carmen Mexico - 2018

In March of 2018, Judy and I made our first of what will become three trips to Mexico. This first trip was to Merida for a culinary organizations annual meeting. We flew into Cancun, rented a car and drove several hours to Merida, which is a delightful colonial city. We had the opportunity to visit the Mayan pyramid at Chichen Itza, a great world-famous site. After the meeting, we drove back to the Gulf of Mexico at Playa del Carmen and had a wonderful time at a resort hotel and visited Cozumel.



Hungary & Romania - 2017

In July 2017, I went to Budapest to meet a friend and explored Budapest, Lake Balaton, Szentendre, and other great Budapest places. We also rented a car and drove into Romania to see one of Dracula's castles called Bran's Castle, near Timisoara in Transylvania. A fabulous adventure!



Tuscany & Rome - 2017
In June 2017, Judy and I went to Italy, where we had a week stay outside of Firenze with a group of people organized by a small cheese company in Spring Grove, PA called the Caputo Brothers Creamery.  The location we stayed at was Ancora del Chianti on a hilltop south of Firenze.  After the week of touring around Firenze, Judy and I drove down to Rome and stayed there for under a week. Having been in Rome a number of times, I was able to be a tour manager for a delightful trip for Judy, who was never there before.  We also saw the Pope saying a mass right below our rooftop hotel restaurant.                                    



Paris - 2017

In January 2017, when Judy went to France for a truffle hunting and cooking trip, I met her in Paris and we had a delightful time sightseeing, eating great food and getting an Airbnb right on the Seine with a great view of Notre Dame.


Canada - 2016
 In September, 2016, I went to Quebec City and Montreal with my dear friends, the Balikov-McMahons and the McLeods. While there my good friend, Judy met us and we shared a great time together.                                                                                                                                                                              

Goodbye, Joan

We lost Joan to lung cancer on March 22, 2014.  She fought a valiant battle from when she was first diagnosed in August of 2012, but the cancer was too virulent and after 19 months of fighting she passed peacefully with her friends and family around her.  It was profoundly devastating to us all.  I have attached the comments that I presented at her Celebration of Life ceremony.  Click here to read the comments.

We spread Joan's ashes in the ocean while our children and grandchildren, as well as Joan's siblings, nieces and nephews gathered for the Valladares family reunion in Nags Head.  She will always be with us in our hearts and her friends and entire family consider themselves so lucky for Joan to have shared her life with theirs.

Trip to Balkan Countries

In May and June of 2015, I took an Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) trip to Albania and four countries of the old Yugoslavia - Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina.  Joining me were my best friends, Henry and Mary.  There were several highlights in trip, including the restored medieval city of Dubrovnik in Croatia; Sarajevo - the capital of Bosnia which suffered so greatly during the Yugoslav war and was the site where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated which kicked off World War I; The beautiful alpine Lake Bled in Slovenia and Albania, such an isolated country for so long that is opening up to the west.  Here is a shot of Dubrovnik

To see more, click the picture below to go to the Balkans trip page or simply click here


Trip to Israel

In November of 2014, I took an Overseas Adventure Travel trip to Israel.  This was my first trip without Joan and I was blessed with a great tour group who made me feel comfortable.  Israel is a small country (about the size of New Jersey), and we saw most of it - from the top to near the bottom, from the Mediterranean to the Jordanian border.  It was a secular trip and it included visits to people and places of all cultures and religions.  Here is a shot of the Old City of Jerusalem, showing the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock.

To see more, click the picture below to go to the Israel trip page or simply click here


Trip to Russia and the Baltics

In May of 2012, Joan and I took a trip to Russia and the Baltic countries.  It was our sixth Overseas Adventure trip and we visited Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia; and St Petersburg and Moscow in Russia.  We also were able to take a trip one day excursion to Helsinki.  The highlights were seeing St Petersburg and Moscow, especially Red Square and the Kremlin, as well as the Baltic capitals.  Of special interest to Joan was the opportunity to be in Kaunas in Lithuania, the ancestral home of her maternal grandfather.  The picture below is of St Basils in Red Square.  It was a cloudy day, but I was able to snap this in the few seconds that the sun came out.

To see more, click the picture below to go to the Russia trip page or simply click here

Trip to Nepal

In November of 2011, Joan and I took a fabulous trip to Nepal.  Continuing our travels with Overseas Adventure Travel, we visited Kathmandu, Pokhara and Royal Chitwan National Park.  We saw the three capital cities of the Kathmandu valley of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan, trekked in the Annapurna region outside Pokhara for three days and took a 2 day raft trip on the Seti River, staying overnight at a river camp.  One of the highlights was a sightseeing flight to see Mount Everest and other Himalaya peaks on a 55 minute plane ride.  The picture below shows Mount Everest from the plane (the peak to the left in the central part of the picture).  In the Chitwan, we took a 2 hour elephant ride to see the wildlfe in the park and saw a number of one horned rhinos up close and personal.

To see more, click the picture below to go to the Nepal trip page or simply click here


Trip to Southeast Asia

In March of 2010, Joan and I returned from a trip to Southeast Asia.  We again used Overseas Adventure Travel and visited Bangkok, Laos, Cambodia and southern Vietnam.  The highlight of the trip was Angkor Wat in Cambodia.  We flew into Bangkok, where we spent a couple of days, then flew on to Luang Prabang, in Laos and traveled by bus to the Laotian capital of Vientiane. We then flew on the Saigon in Vietnam, and journeyed up the Mekong River to Phnom Penh in Cambodia and finished the trip with a fabulous two days in Siem Reap, where we visited Angkor Wat and a number of other temples in the old capital city of Angkor. Here is a shot of us at Angkor Wat. 

To see more, click the picture below to go to the South East Asia trip page or simply click here

Trip to Australia - Our 7th Continent!!

In October, 2009, Joan and I returned from a trip to Australia.  We again used Overseas Adventure Travel and flew to Melbourne from LA on September 28.  We toured Melbourne and flew to Adelaide, which was a jumping off point for a trip to Kangaroo Island, off the south coast of Australia, where we saw wildlife and beautiful rock formations.  We then flew to the "Red Center", the dry, desert environment that includes almost all of the area of the continent except the coasts.  We first went to Alice Springs, known for its remoteness and its central location on the continent.  From Alice Springs, we drove 6 hours in the Outback to Uluru (or Ayers Rock as westerners know it), the second largest monolith in the world and had two great days there.  From there we flew on to Cairns on the sunshine coast to explore the Great Barrier Reef and the tropical rain forest of Daintree National Park.  The last stop was Sydney, where we spent two days exploring this fabulous city.

To see more, click the picture below to go to the Australia trip page or simply click here

Trip to Antarctica

In January, 2009, Joan and I returned from a fabulous cruise/tour to Antarctica, Argentina and Iguazu Falls on the Brazil-Argentina border.  We used Overseas Adventure Travel and flew to Buenos Aires for New Years Eve.  We went on a tour of the city and saw a great Tango show before flying down to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, where we went to Tierra del Fuego National Park and boarded our 300 ft/92 passenger ship for our  journey through the Drake Passage and on to Antarctica.  After returning to Argentina, we flew to Iguazu Falls to see the fabulous waterfalls, which are higher than Niagara and much wider. See below for this fabulous shot in Antarctica. 

To see more, click the picture below to go to the Antarctica trip page or simply click here


Trip to Alaska

Joan and I went on a fabulous cruise/tour to Alaska in July, 2008.  We used Princess Cruises and had a fabulous cruise and some great sight-seeing.  See below for this fabulous shot of Mount Denali (McKinley) we took from Denali park.

To see more, click the picture below to go to the Alaska trip page or simply click here

Trip to Egypt and Jordan

Joan and I went on a fabulous vacation to Egypt and Jordan November, 2007.  We used Overseas Adventure Travel, which specializes in small group tours and our crew was only 15 people.  See below for Joan and I at the Sphinx and Pyramids. 

To see more, click the picture below to go to the Egypt/Jordan trip page or simply click here

Both Joan and Tom have retired effective January 3, 2006!
Joan is working on her crafts and hobbies and I started an environmental consulting business called Voltaggio Consulting, LLC.  Please click here to learn about my venture. 

Other Recent Happenings in the Voltaggio Family

September, 2006 -  Vacation Trip to Tanzania Click Here to See Pictures
September, 2005 -  Vacation Trip to Bay of Naples and Rome, Italy Click Here to See Pictures
June, July, October 2004, April 2005 - Tom's Trips to Oslo, Genova, Prague & Marrakech
Click Here to See Pictures
May, 2004 - Vacation Trip to Belgium and Holland
Click Here to See Pictures
March, 2004 - Johnny Star & the Meteors 30 Year Reunion Click Here to See Pictures
August, 2003 - Vacation Trip to Peru
Click Here to See Pictures
January, 2003 - Wing Bowl Click Here to See Pictures
August, September, 2002 - Vacation Trip to China and Tibet Click Here to See Pictures

The Voltaggio Family

After becoming a widower when Joan passed, I share my world with three children. Lisa 51, went to Ohio State (go Bucks) and has blessed us with 3 grandchildren, Zoe in March of 2000, Maya in November, 2001 and James in June, 2008.  She relocated to LA.  My daughter, Laura - age 47, graduated from Rutgers University.  She is married to Marcus Hall and live in Lititz, PA, near Lancaster.  They have 4 children, Xander and Ash, age 16, Nathaniel age 15, and Lucas, age 10.  My son, Tom Jr. - age 45, is married to Nimra (Nina) Aziz Voltaggio and they are now living near Fort Lauderdale, FL.  Tom has 2 children, Jackson aged 10 and Miles, aged 8.  Tom was on the crew team at Rutgers and went to the Henley Regatta in June, 2000.  I taped some of their race with the Naval Academy earlier.  I caught the finish and you can see it by 
clicking here.

If you want to know what I look like, here I am..........

In addition, if you want to see pictures of the rest of my family, click here

Genealogy of the Voltaggio Family

The Voltaggio family has spent many years researching the genealogy of the Voltaggio name and the towns where our ancestors came from.  This project started with my father, Gaetano Voltaggio in the late 1970s.  Having visited his ancestral home in Sicily a few times in the 1960s and 70s, he inquired at the city hall and church about records of his grandparents.  From there the saga begins.  As a result of the wealth of information generated over the past 20 years, I have divided this discussion of our genealogy into several parts:

1 - History of the Genealogical Research of the Family.  It starts with my father's work in the late 1970s and continues through the work of his children and grandchildren. Click Here  to see this page.

2 - Calatafimi.  This is the town in western Sicily where my father's ancestors came from.  The key family names are Voltaggio (Vultaggio) and Vivona.  Included in this link are pictures and text of two trips that my family made to the town.  One in 1998 and one in 1999.   Click Here  to see this page.

3 - Santa Margherita di Belice.  This is the town in western Sicily where my mother's ancestors came from.  The key family names are Monteleone and Di Giovanni(a).  Included in this link are pictures and text of the trip that my family made to the town in 1999.   Click Here to see this page.

4 - Voltaggio.  This is the small town in northern Italy, near Genova which my father discovered during his research in the early 1980s.  Because it has the same name as ours, we visited and learned much about it.  Included in this link are pictures and text of the trip my family made to the town in 1999. Click Here  to see this page.

I am 77 years old, retired and love to work on computers; both hardware and software. I had been an OS/2 enthusiast and used Warp 4 for many years. I know that OS/2 had few users as a result of the incredible market power of Windows, but I liked OS/2.  To keep using it, I have gone to eComStation 2.0 and also use Linux (Fedora 13) and Windows 10. I run a small peer Ethernet network in my basement with five computers.  In addition, I have restored my original XT-286 from 1988 and put it into the network.

I own a 1965 Sunbeam Alpine. I've had it since 1970 and have driven it continuously since that time. It is a Series IV and has 2-150CD Strombergs from a Series V. The Serial number is B9403872. I belong to Sunbeams East/Tigers East car club. Here is my car....

To find out more about my Alpine and see NEW pictures, click the image above....


Hope you enjoy your visit. Much more will come soon.......
If you want to drop me a line, please click on the icon below......


My prior counter became corrupt at 1089 visitors in the Spring of 1996. There have been the following number of visitors to this site since April, 1999